Organizing and Mobilizing via Social Media: A Digital Handbook from TML

This document is an extension of this article we ran last summer. – avery

In an epoch where the digital sphere has evolved into a formidable theatre for advocacy and societal change, the quest for equality and recognition by the trans community assumes profound significance. This meticulously crafted guide adeptly amalgamates the immortal strategies devised by Saul Alinsky with the dynamism of contemporary digital activism, offering a repository of strategic measures replete with illustrative instances. These exemplars not only underscore the influence and capabilities of virtual mobilization but also serve to inspire and galvanize stakeholders into meaningful action.

#1: Sharpen Your Digital Discernment

  • Example: The #WontBeErased campaign served as a pivotal moment for trans activism, rallying against policies seeking to erase trans identities. Critical to its impact was the campaign’s basis in accurate, verified information, demonstrating the importance of discernment in digital activism.
  • Actionable Insight: Regularly conduct verification workshops and create resource lists for your community to ensure that the information shared is both accurate and impactful. Understanding how to identify reliable sources is crucial for effective activism.

Note: The WNYC’s Breaking News Consumer’s Handbook continues to be an invaluable resource. Ensure you’re accessing the latest version by visiting WNYC’s official website. In addition, know how the news you’re reading is being spun, and what outlets are running the story. Ground News is a great tool for this.

#2: Connect with Local Organizers

  • Example: The Trans Rights Are Human Rights initiative showcases the importance of joining forces with local groups. By partnering with established organizations, they amplified their message and extended their reach.
  • Actionable Insight: Create a digital, easily shareable directory of local organizations and scheduled events on your social media platforms to facilitate connections and collaborations within your community.

#3: Identify and Engage Power Players

  • Example: The current campaign against anti-trans legislation in Canada was significantly bolstered by identifying and engaging with influencers and politicians on social media, using hashtags and direct mentions to garner attention.
  • Actionable Insight: Develop a “Digital Toolkit” for your community, including templates for tweets and emails, key contacts, and best practices for engaging with influencers and decision-makers.

Action comes from keeping the heat on. No politician can sit on a hot issue if you make it hot enough.

– Saul Alinsky

#4: Allocate Time for Offline Actions

  • Example: The #TransMarch hashtag not only trended online but was also used to organize and mobilize participants for physical marches, showing the seamless integration of online activism with real-world action.
  • Actionable Insight: Use social media to schedule and promote offline activities, encouraging your community to block time in their calendars for these events. Balance the online with the offline, it’s nice to go touch grass and pet a friendly pupper every now and then.

#5: Building and Sustaining an Online Community

  • Example: The #ProtectTransKids campaign excelled in creating a sustained online community by providing educational content, engaging followers with regular updates, and organizing collective actions.
  • Actionable Insight: Implement a monthly focus theme on your social media platforms to educate, engage, and encourage active participation from your community. Discord can be great for this.

#6: Transcend the Digital Realm

  • Example: The #TransLivesMatter vigils, organized primarily through social media, demonstrated the profound impact of offline solidarity actions, bringing communities together beyond the screen.
  • Actionable Insight: Establish a network of local ambassadors to facilitate the translation of online campaigns into offline events, ensuring the movement’s resilience regardless of digital trends.

Conclusion: The Digital Rallying Cry for Trans Rights

As we weave together the lessons of the past with the tools of the present, this guide aims not only to empower but also to inspire the trans community and its allies to use social media as a launchpad for meaningful activism. The examples provided herein are beacons of what we can achieve when we harness digital platforms with intention and strategy. Yet, the essence of our fight transcends digital boundaries, rooted in the relentless pursuit of dignity, equality, and justice for all.

Remember, the true measure of our activism is not captured in likes or shares, but in the real-world change we drive, the lives we touch, and the community we build. Let this guide be your compass as you navigate the digital terrain of activism, armed with the knowledge that together, we are unstoppable. The battle for trans rights, like all great movements, is both a marathon and a sprint; it requires the courage to speak out, the determination to stand firm, and the resolve to keep moving forward, no matter the odds. Stand tall, speak loud, and let your digital footprint be the legacy of change you create.